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Add a resource

Add a resource

  • name (required)
  • description
  • url: this can be or{{value}} where {{value}} will be automatically replaced by the value of the data when clicking on the resource
  • generic (required): yes or no. If yes, the resource will be used for all types of data, so no need to select any type to the right. If no, you have to select at least one type.
  • type (required): website or script (includes softwares)
  • types targeted: the data types for which this resource will be referenced
  • Press Enter key to validate and close the dialog.
  • Press Escape key to cancel and close the dialog.

Edit a resource

  1. open a data that uses this resource
  2. search for this resource in the resources list
  3. click on the pen icon to the right of the resource name
  4. once the edit dialog is opened, click on the delete button

Delete a resource

  1. open a data that uses this resource
  2. search for this resource in the resources list
  3. click on the pen icon to the right of the resource name
  4. once the edit dialog is opened, update the informations you want and save the changes